Posts for "Travel"
New header image!
Posted at March 03, 2013Because spiritually I’m still in Italy, behold the Rialto. IMG_9017 Originally I was going to use the Biscione from the city of Milano, but…
Posted at February 26, 2013Gottacon! Early this February was the fifth iteration of Gottacon, a gaming convention in Victoria, BC (actually Saanich). And it was my…
Venice in a Day
Posted at May 21, 2012Venice in a Day from Joerg Niggli on Vimeo. It’s tilt-shifted, of course, because that’s what all the cool kids are doing these days. It’s…
Stuff what I've done since PAX.
Posted at November 18, 2010VCON 35! VCON, Vancouver’s science fiction and fantasy convention, took place in a hotel in Richmond over the first weekend of October. This…
Senado Square
Posted at November 18, 2010I stumbled across this picture today, and remembered that I’ve been there before. It’s Senado Square in Macau. I took a taxi there, wandered…
PAX 2010
Posted at September 07, 2010This year I finally went to the Penny Arcade Expo! It’s essentially a gigantic gaming convention organized by the people behind Penny Arcade…
Posted at July 16, 2010Hey Marc! I post this FOR YOU! So, Paris! I’ve put this off long enough; much longer and I’ll start to forget what I actually did over there…
Pictures online!
Posted at May 02, 2010All my photos from the trip are online at flickr. Photo posts undoubtedly to come soon, as well as my Paris post. Cheers!
Welcome to the City of London
Posted at April 23, 2010DSCN2550
Geneva, the rest of the story.
Posted at April 21, 2010But that totally was not everything! I was graciously hosted by Mat, a friend of mine who lives across the French border in a village called…