
Posted on March 16, 2025
Categories: GeneralTags: #music, #concert

Last weekend was the release party for Devours’ new album, Sports Car Era. My first concert of the year!

Devours was the second opening act at the Man on Man concert I went to in 2023. I’d never heard of him before. He took the stage by himself, wearing a glittering coat over a dress; played moody electronic dance music and sang; and won me over.

My favourite song of his (which he probably played that night) is “Jacuzzi My Stonewall”. It’s about gay rights, of course — you can tell that from the name — but it’s ambivalent about mainstream acceptance and corporatization1. Then the outtro kicks in at 1:54, and the groove becomes melancholy while the dancing twinks of introspection vogue. I love it.

So, concert! It was at the Rickshaw Theatre. Here’s a picture I took after the doors opened.

The inside of a club. There are a few rows of movie-theatre seating in front, an empty dance floor, a bar on the left,
and the stage at the back.

The opening act was hardcore punk band called PISS. Their singer was dressed up like a little girl, with pig tails and a tatter white dress, and she screamed songs about sexual assault and rape while the band wailed on their instruments. Not my thing, but respect.

If you’re curious, you can watch them perform under the Oak St Bridge.

The band on stage under white spotlights, in front of a crowd lit up blood red.

The next act was Maneater. Guitar rock with male and female vocalists: This was much more my jam. Check ‘em out on Bandcamp.

Maneater on stage with the audience in silhouette

And finally, Devours. He (and an actual drummer!) performed the new album in its entirety, then a few other songs to close out the night.

A wide shot showing Devours on stage, the drummer to the left, and the audience. Everything is either blue or black.

A closer picture of Devours in front of the audience, with neon blue and pink lighting.

Good show!

Original tweets:

(Apologies for the shoddy picture quality. My phone did its best, but you’re not meant to use digital zoom in the dark.)

  1. This was before the trans panic went mainstream.