For Great Justice

This Too Shall Pass

Life Updates

Posted on October 03, 2015
Categories: Ireland, TravelTags: none

taps mic

Hey out there. As of just over a month ago, I’ve finished my position in Ireland. Since then I have

  1. Gone to YAPC::EU in Granada, Spain;

  2. Cancelled my utilities and given up my apartment;

  3. Said “goodbye” and “see you again” to far too many people;

  4. Hit the road.

I’ll have to elaborate in further detail at a later point. At this moment I’m in a hotel room a decent walk west of the Zurich hauptbahnhof. Tomorrow my plan is to visit Liechtenstein; on Monday I’ll tour around Zurich a little; and Tuesday I’m heading Budapest for a few days. After that, who knows?

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